What we're reading

At Family Paths, we recently set up our own comprehensive library of books on a variety of topics pertinent to child development, family dynamics, cultural competency, and other mental health related topics. Our "library" is available to all Family Paths staff, and we've really been enjoying having so many great resources in one convenient place!

One great book on our shelves is Raising Your Spirited Child, by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. This book was first printed in 1991, and was most recently released as a Harper paperback in 2006. Raising Your Spirited Child is a great guide for parents whose child is especially intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and/or energetic. The book offers insightful quizzes that can help parents better understand the nuances of their child's personality, and wise, gentle suggestions on everyday parenting dilemmas like bedtime and mealtime. For example, she suggests that at mealtime the more "intense" child may need to be taught good manners, the "persistent" child may need to be involved in food preparation, and the "sensitive" child may need to be served a variety of foods.

If you have an especially spirited child, or know someone who does, this national bestseller might be helpful. Happy reading!


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