Building Stronger Families

Marcus was 12 when he moved in with his older brother after he was removed from his mother's home due to her severe substance abuse problem. He was referred to Family Paths for therapy services with our FIT program because he wasn't doing well in school and not listening in the home. Because Marcus' older brother lived in a different city than where he grew up, he also left behind friends and familiar surroundings to attend a new school and live in a new neighborhood.

The Family Paths' Therapist met with Marcus at his school and sometimes in his home to address his feelings and fears that were underneath his behaviors. During the time of their work together, Marcus witnessed the violent death of a close friend, his sister became pregnant and his brother's wife had a baby. He was quickly feeling lost among all of these events, sad and alone in the world. His therapist kept a steady presence and helped him identify his strengths and goals as he teetered on the edge of failing out of school and getting involved with dangerous activities on the street.

Marcus used his time with his therapist to express his feelings, both through art and thoughtful reflection in their relationship. He felt heard and understood, not judged and blamed. He began to think through the consequences of some of his actions and identified ways he wanted his life to turn out differently from his mother's. An important part of the treatment was working with Marcus' older brother to help him understand the impact of trauma and loss and how to best support Marcus when his behavior was less than ideal.

After a year and a half, Marcus' grades and behavior in school started to improve. He made a decision to continue contact with his mother, which felt good to him. His relationship with his older brother started to improve as he felt his brother was more flexible and responsive to his emotional needs. With things moving in a positive direction, Marcus decided he no longer needed to be in therapy. His therapist acknowledged his hard work and all of his strengths that will certainly help him through future challenges. The family continues to know that our 24 Hour Family Support Line is here for them should they need us.


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