A word from our leadership

Dear Friends,

As we look back at 2008-2009 we are pleased to report that Family Paths has thrived in a time when some non-profits are facing layoffs or in some cases, closing their
doors. It was a year filled with successes, though we faced challenges as well. Our biggest challenge was a direct result of the stock market losses. Family Paths is the beneficiary of a Charitable Remainder Trust, a gift from Roberta and Tim McCoy. Although the trust will not mature for some time, the funds invested as part of the trust were deeply impacted by market losses. Of course, we're hopeful that the market will maintain the positive gains made recently, and we are thankful that the decreased value of the trust is "on paper" rather than having a realized financial impact on the agency.

As for successes, through the generous support of Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services we have been able to almost double our level of service to Hayward residents and its surrounding areas. We are delighted to have increased services to the community, but we are especially pleased to serve more clients in need during these stressful economic times. Folks that never thought they'd be unemployed, homeless, and under severe stress have found themselves in uncharted waters. For Family Paths, to make a difference in the lives of children and their families is why our agency was founded and why we've continued to serve the community for 38 years.

Other accomplishments for 2008-2009 were the completion of a new agency-wide database, we updated our information and referral database, and we began an intensive process for a new Strategic Plan. The new database is critical in our efforts to serve clients on our 24-hour crisis line, our various counseling services, and parent education services. Staff at Family Paths are incredibly dedicated to serving our clients, so any technology that allows them to focus more time and attention to clients greatly adds to job satisfaction.

Through the generous support of the Y&H Soda Foundation, in May 2008 the Board and management team began work on a new Strategic Plan, which we expect to complete in May 2010. The process has already been extremely rewarding and has led us to create a new vision, values, and mission statement. Working on the plan has also led us to answer some foundational questions that every social service agency needs to ask itself periodically- how do we best serve the community, how do we know that what we offer our clients really works, and what is it that Family Paths offers that makes us unique? We are answering these questions and many more. We look forward to sharing our Strategic Plan in the spring of 2010!

We are deeply grateful to our supporters and funders. With your help, we served over 7,000 children and families last fiscal year, and you made a significant difference in the lives of our clients. Thank you.

Marcella Reeves, Executive Director &
Randy Bergen MD, President, Board of Directors


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